Clustering Emissions.This API is designed to help developers to eliminate the need to store emission calculations. Emissions can be grouped using self-defined labels and retrieved in clusters. A key will need to be generated which is then passed as a Bearer Token in all calculations, along with a label name.
Benefits of clustering
This is an optional but highly useful feature of CarbonSutra, essentially designed to help developers and simplify their programs. It eliminates the need to store the results of any emission API and developers can retrieve the collated results at a later date. The following two parameters need to be used:
BEARER TOKEN : The API below will help you to generate a token unique to your email address and passphrase. No registration is required. This token will need to be passed under Authorization section for ever API call, the results of which need to be clustered.
CLUSTER NAME : The self-defined label is passed as a API parameter. Examples are strings like "IBM-UK-Apr22" and "KrugerBrent-MFG-Plant7-2021". This is an optional field and clustering will switch off for an emissions API call if a NULL value is passed. The entire cluster results for a specific label can retrieved using the API below.
CLUSTER NAME : The self-defined label is passed as a API parameter. Examples are strings like "IBM-UK-Apr22" and "KrugerBrent-MFG-Plant7-2021". This is an optional field and clustering will switch off for an emissions API call if a NULL value is passed. The entire cluster results for a specific label can retrieved using the API below.
API: Register Key
To get a new token for clustering.
EMAIL : Mandatory. Your email address.
PASSWORD : Mandatory. The passphrase used to create the token for the above email address
COMPANY : Optional. Your organization's name.
EMAIL : Mandatory. Your email address.
PASSWORD : Mandatory. The passphrase used to create the token for the above email address
COMPANY : Optional. Your organization's name.
API: Retrieve Key
To retrieve a lost token using email and passphrase.
EMAIL : Mandatory. Your registered email address.
PASSWORD : Mandatory. The same passphrase used earlier to create the token.
EMAIL : Mandatory. Your registered email address.
PASSWORD : Mandatory. The same passphrase used earlier to create the token.
API: Cluster Data
To retrieve the entries of a cluster. The token will need to be passed in the API.
CLUSTER_NAME: Mandatory.
CLUSTER_NAME: Mandatory.
Quick Trial: Steps
The above APIs can be easily tested in the free trial version listed in the main menu. The steps are:
- Get your unique token using Register Key API. You can get it directly from the free trial site.
- Using this as a "BEARER TOKEN" under Authorization parameters of API and using a unique label for CLUSTER NAME parameter, call other emission APIs of business travel, hotel stays, electricity consumption and others .
- Call the Cluster Data API to get all the records for a specific CLUSTER NAME value, using your token.